I finished up some fun tins I've been working on off and on for a while. I can't stress how much I love Lisa Kaus who inspired these. I picked up a print when I was at Art & Soul in Portland a couple of years ago and was hooked. I've got a couple of her cupcake pieces as well. Love her! Any on these it was pretty straight forward. Mostly it was a drying process as I'm trying to show some patience and not just grab the heat gun and go to work on drying. Inevitabley, I get a little too enthusisastic and create paint bubbles. Mostly that was avoided this time around and I've got some new storage solutions for the final round of studio clean up.
Life is getting closer to back to normal after all of the not buying the house, garage sale, living in boxes mess is starting to get cleaned up. We're working on completely getting the downstairs back to normal this weekend but Rolland will have to spend some serious time in his study cleaning up before we can get the new furniture in there. I'm bribing him with movie visits in the evening after a day of hard work. :) FYI, I think I posted most of these but I did finally get his birthday shots together on fickr.
And finally, for all the geeks out there. How great was Doctor Who tonight?! Loved it. Every second was awesome with the previous season providing tiny hints and pieces all given to us with a giant pink bow (mostly). For all you non-geeks and non-sci-fi people (I'm still having trouble believing there are such people) I'm sorry but had to take a moment to gush about my Doctor Who love.
if your working during the day, set that stuff outside to dry and go do something else for a bit then it's dry and dun and your not fussin' over it :)
I love Lisa Kaus too! I took two workshops with in July and learned so much. She is so talented and her art is happy. If you ever get the chance to take a class with her, jump on it.
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