I love playing with Sophy in her room and tonight Daddy joined us. He's the photographer. :) She was resistant to going to bed, she's usually out between 8-8:30 but not tonight. She was all about playing. We practiced sitting up, she's becoming a champ, and stacking her blocks. There was lots of chatting and near crawling. In a couple of weeks she'll be sitting up on her own and I'm fairly convinced crawling everywhere.
We're also going to move her to her crib for naps - which she usually does at least once a day - and sleeping at night. I talked to her pediatrician about it, he clearly wanted to avoid that bear trap! and I fully confessed I wanted to keep her with us, it wasn't Rolland. He's pretty confident she'll be fine and thinks we'll all sleep better. The doctor was pretty specific that there wasn't any medical or safety risk at this point and it was total parental preference. I know it's better for everyone but I think it might take a couple of more weeks to train me.
Until then, I'm soaking up every minute of her baby days. I love you Sophy Jane and I'm thankful everyday that I get to be your Mommy.
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