Sophy turned 6 months on Friday and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone.
She's a little rolling whirlwind who is trying to crawl every minute she's on the floor. She's incredibly curious and she absolutely tries to put everything in her mouth. So far the major growth spurts have tapered a bit and she's still in between 6-9 month sizes except jammies. She's approaching 9 months only in jammies since she's super long. She is a regular tummy/side sleeper. We're still working on the solid food but she loves the high chair and hanging out with us at the table and we can finally try out the jog stroller now that she's got the head thing down.
I can't wait to see what the next 6 months will bring. She's such a joy and I feel lucky everyday that I get to be her Mom.
I love you Sophy Bear, happy 6 months!
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