This was in progress

Then the perfect scoop(s).

I added in marshmallows and toasted almonds turning it into Rocky Road. Beyond tasty.
I made Rolland vanilla with actual vanilla beans (go figure) to which he added almonds (untoasted) and dried cherries. But since he was impatient to let his chill I put his in the fancy maker that has the compressor while mine was in the more old school frozen bowl maker. Ice cream turned out great with both so no super fancy equipment really required.
I have a blood orange sorbet recipe that sounds super tasty as well.
I made almost the exact same vanilla with cherries and almonds combo last summer. The only thing I did different was throw in a handful of dark chocolate shavings. The bitter of the dark chocolate goes great with that.
This looks REALLY good, what non-fancy frozen bowl did you make it in?
It's an older Krups where you just keep the bowl in the freezer until you want to make ice cream then pop it on the machine and turn it on. There's only on/off switch. :)
But it works great. I'm thinking sorbets for the weekend.
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