Saturday, July 31, 2010


I worked on this piece for a few weeks and it's finally finished and up in our newly painted entry way. I had originally been inspired by this and this.

The roof tiles came to me first so after prepping the large canvas and getting a few base layers on I started with the pebbles. A lot of pebbles were required so I was happy to finally use up some of the supplies I've stashed for a couple of years now.

Next, basic painting and shaping of the house.

I forgot to document the layers in between. The edges of the piece are covered in telephone pages that I glued down then coated in a bunch of layers of paint. I covered all the edges around the frame to finish it off. I like how in a few places the names and numbers peek through. I also liked the texture and color of the old butterscotch dominoes.

I also started adding in some of the fun doodling/graphic elements. My version of a cherry blossom crossed with a dogwood.

Final touches including a door knob and a lot of layers of the charcoal pencil. Now, the piece hangs in the entry way of the house and I kind of love it.


Molly Ann Quigley said...

Oh....I kind of love it too!

SewPaperPaint said...

Great house. I wonder if you'll do something similar, but haunted for the BHE blog. Can't wait to see your spooky creations.
Autumn Clark