Apparently I was missing the crayons and coloring books since this page was all about the old school arts & crafts. Lori gave me a great background to work with since it was just a large page of water color paper so it's super sturdy and held glue like a champ. I dug through my bin of extras and found this neon lime tissue paper that I thought would work perfectly with the really strong colors I wanted to use on this page. Perfect Paper Adhesive is my glue of choice for this portion of the page. Next came the stamps at the bottom (Michael's 40% off coupons will be my downfall. The husband now has to go through the line with 1/2 my purchase so I can use the coupons to the fullest! This is not his favorite activity) the clear kind that stick to the acrylic block are my new favorite things. Again.
Next it was time to work on Marie. I got some amazing stamps from Character Construction when we started this project and they've been my go to on this round robin. There are some gorgeous options over there especially for the holidays. I had to do a little photoshopping on the dress to get the right proportion which gives me another reason to use the super cool new printer to scan. Look, it's all about the price per use here people!
I decided she would be the most likely person to be swinging from the chandelier so these made the perfect border. The final touch was a pass with the gold rub and buff (another old school favorite) to make the crinkles in the tissue paper stand out and my masterpiece was finished. I called in the husband to show of my latest masterpiece. This was met with silence and then "That's something". I'm sure he meant it as a complement. Hopefully Lori will be happier with it than my husband.
Next post, updated pics of the dining room and this weekend's road trip pics.
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