Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Beadshow Update
These are my goodies from last weekend's bead show. It's also impressive that I'm posting this now, Wednesday, and not this weekend. I'm calling it significant progress. The show was incredibly disappointing with tiny vendor turn out. I think it's worth driving to Santa Fe for the much larger show and it's in Santa Fe which I'm determined to like if it kills me. It should be somewhere I love with all the arty goodness but the last trip was a nightmare. To be fair, it was in full on IVF stuff and no one was in the mood.
Anyhoo...really not comfortable with that phrase but also trying to embrace it. It's not going to stick, I can tell. Ok, for reals... better? Rolland found all the super cool beads from a specific vendor. He's awesome with the hunting and gathering even if he detests the outing. I"m hoping Sophy will acquire this skill as well. TWO of them hunting for treasures would be heaven.
I've got plans for these babies and am trying to overcome my hoarding tendencies which makes me buy like 10 of everything so I can use one without breaking into a sweat that I've lost some of my stash. I know, crazy. It's also why Sophy has had multiple purchases of the super awesome cute outfits in varying sizes... is there a support group for this?
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Dallas Arboretum - Pumpkin Village
Continuing the trend, these are LAST weekend's pics from our outing to the arboretum with some friends. I posted most of the photos on Facebook (Mom, yours were via email :)) so I think the intranet is fully blanketed it with Sophy's adorableness in pumpkin village. I don't care. She's pretty adorable!The kid knows how to pose.
This weekend was not picture rife as we went to the Beadshow. Disappointing. And Northpark for pants for Rolland. Not disappointing but not picture worthy either. Sophy and I are both a little under the weather so we're laying low and resting up. Rolland did venture out last night to the parade on Oak Lawn but I have no pics of that either. Next year I think we'll venture out as a family. Definite pictures then. Happy Sunday!
This weekend was not picture rife as we went to the Beadshow. Disappointing. And Northpark for pants for Rolland. Not disappointing but not picture worthy either. Sophy and I are both a little under the weather so we're laying low and resting up. Rolland did venture out last night to the parade on Oak Lawn but I have no pics of that either. Next year I think we'll venture out as a family. Definite pictures then. Happy Sunday!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Weekend Planning
Super excited that I know have Bouchon Bakery
in my hot little hands! Well, depending on the recipe having hot hands wouldn't be a plus but I'm pretty sure you get that I love myself some hyperbole. I actually picked it up at Barnes and Noble yesterday with a my member discount it was $45 vs Amazon's $30 but I wanted to support one of the sole brick and mortar businesses left even if they are a giant chain but not $15 bucks worth. From now on, online ordering is it. Also, I clearly have a lot of pinions...also not surprising to anyone who knows me.

I'm also super excited that Beadfest is this weekend in Arlington. Larger shows are great for finding some harder to come by beads and findings. The International Gem Show is in Ft Worth in February and I've marked it on my calendar. I'm ready to spend some time in the studio to finish up a couple projects and then get started on some new goodies.
I got Solder Technique Studio: Soldering Iron Fundamentals for the Mixed Media Artist
at B&N with a coupon - only exception to new frugal book buying policy - and want to make everything!

I'm back on the handmade bandwagon and want to make at least 1 thing for everyone for Christmas. The likelihood of this is a solid 20% especially with Sophy but we'll see. I can't wait until she's old enough and we can do projects together. Also, projects handmade by Sophy would be big hits with the fam for gifts.
Anyone else have fun weekend plans?
p.s. Cool weather has hit Texas and I got to wear my new motorcycle jacket and snuggle under extra covers. Baking and soup creation are on the docket as well. Also solid 20% on all of my weekend plans but dreaming of major productivity is almost as good as actual productivity.
I got Solder Technique Studio: Soldering Iron Fundamentals for the Mixed Media Artist
I'm back on the handmade bandwagon and want to make at least 1 thing for everyone for Christmas. The likelihood of this is a solid 20% especially with Sophy but we'll see. I can't wait until she's old enough and we can do projects together. Also, projects handmade by Sophy would be big hits with the fam for gifts.
Anyone else have fun weekend plans?
p.s. Cool weather has hit Texas and I got to wear my new motorcycle jacket and snuggle under extra covers. Baking and soup creation are on the docket as well. Also solid 20% on all of my weekend plans but dreaming of major productivity is almost as good as actual productivity.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Pink Isn't Always a Good Thing
My husband and I watched this documentary the other night and found it fantastic. It was really eye opening. It's easy to feel like we're doing our part when we buy all things pretty and pink. We don't have to do anything but buy stuff we normally would but just pink up the pink versions - and everyone knows how much I love myself some pink! - BUT, we don't always do the leg work to figure out if that purchase is really going where we think it is or for the amount we think it is. Does it do as much good as simply writing a check to a research organization? The example of Yoplait yogurt and sending in the pink lids which if eaten 3 times a day for the month of October actually only generates about $34.00 towards research vs how much they make from your purchasing that much yogurt. OY! Now, if you are going to purchase that yogurt in that amount anyway then why not but going out of your way to "support" the cause would be better served with a researched donation.
It was also incredible to realize how little we're really doing for prevention. It's crazy how much money has been raised and we know almost nothing more than ten years ago on the causes of breast cancer. It's insane.
Also listening to this episode of Tell Me More on NPR about 3 women in various stages of breast cancer. Heartbreaking. As a new Mama I can't imagine having to tell Sophy I was sick, or even worse, dying when she's little and she wouldn't remember me. It's horrifying and ridiculous that we can't figure this out.
Now, I'm just as upset about a lot of other things but this is the "month of awareness" so I'm sharing what's made me more aware. I know folks are tired of politics, tired of soap boxes, tired, tired, tired. Well, suck it. This is my blog and I'm tired too. A 7 and 3/4's baby going through sleep regression is exhausting. Again, suck it up. This might not be your issue but I bet you have one and we should all do more to support those: volunteer, write a check, even donate old clothes, coats, etc to organizations you do support.
... and now I'm done.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Halloween Party Pics: The Guests
So the only pics I didn't get are ones of us. Oy. I only managed glimpses of Rolland but I promise he was there!
Since I'm a weekend behind, by next weekend I should have pics of Saturday's visit to the arboretum with The Siegel's. Never again visiting outside of first thing in the morning but cute baby photo ops were had.
JJ and Sophy
Andrew and Sean had some baby time. To be fair, Nolan is in fact his baby so he was really being a total baby hoarder and not spreading the baby love. But I did get in some snuggles with the cutie. Sophy didn't care. She was OBSESSED with Sean. JJ, Sean's wife, called him Sophy's boyfriend. Super cute.
Sophy in her devil costume for about 2.5 mins. I am choosing to not post the outraged angry baby pics.
Full size shot of Sophy
The Siegel's in super cute pirate and parrot wear. Seriously adorable.
Elizabeth and Devin. Mother nature and her little ladybug were beyond cute.
Group pic but Mae is primarily featured. Cutest little cowgirl Jesse.
Jeff and Randall. Jeff was incredibly authentic in his costume. Randall was incredibly patient with Jeff and his costume. :)
Randall and Eric. Eric and I bonded over our love of Ina Garten and the love of orange tulips. I've invited them over one weekend for patio dining with a Barefoot inspired meal. Jeff and Rolland can talk movies. Randall, Eric and I will talk food tv and decorating.
Mark, Kristen and Rolland's ear. Ugh. They were super cute and patient with the posing. I took a great pic of Mark and his wife Robin with the polariod but missed the point and shoot opportunity. I'm still working on the entertaining juggling. Next time, I'm setting out cameras for folks so they can get in on the fun.
See, I wasn't exaggerating. She LOVES him. Sound asleep after lots of giggling and playing with Nolan.
Sophy and I. Cute little hat from Target. I was a Steampunk, Hogwart's scullery maid/witch. IE odd choices thrown together but I mentioned costumes and was therefore required to think of something! Also, I had super cute grey skirt I've been trying to work out a good reason for wearing. Of course you can't see it so you just have to believe me, it's fabulous.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Mid-Week Recommendation
I bought The Happiness Project
This weekend includes big plans for cleaning out and organizing. The studio, inside and out, since the weather is gorgeous and we can work in the garage without risking heat stroke. The house will get back under control so say we all... little Battlestar Galactica throw back there since I don't want to lose my geek street cred, and I want to rid it off about half of the crap that has totally taken over. Big goals people, big goals!
Next, I promise more Halloween pics with cute babies.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Halloween Party 2012 - Part 1: The Decorations
We had a Halloween Party on Saturday and it was fantastic. Great company who appreciated the tasty treats and cute kids who were just the perfect amount of cute and trouble making. Sort of the best part of kids really. They know they're on the edge so they pull out the cute.
I'm setting the scene with all the pics of the decorations pre-party. Follow up will include party goers. :)
Well stocked bar with cute pumpkins on a stick. Also Absinthe that was not busted open so will have to find another appropriate occasion for it. New Years?
This is how you can tell we're from the Midwest. We got this at the farm supply. :)
Village in our entry that we collected from the defunct Illuminations. I loved that store.
Halloween tree that took me forever to spray paint. It's old school before everyone decided they should have a Halloween tree and they come out of the box black. Well, I can still "keep it real" with all my bitching that it took two weeks to cover that sucker.
Mantle with homemade pumpkin garland made with glass ornaments found at Paper Source for $13.00 a box. I seriously coveted these but they became out of stock and the price tag of $40 a strand was kind of ridiculous.
Savory table
Sweets table. It took 3 dozen cupcakes to just make that holder not look empty. It still wasn't full!
Cute little decorations next to my favorite pic of Sophy and I taken the day she came home.
Next up, party guests!
Friday, October 05, 2012
Shiny Preciouses...
Some of the goodies I've gathered for my class. Some I had but a fair amount have been acquired via Etsy and a local bead show. I'm unbelievably excited about Beadfest at the end of the month and am saving my pennies!
These are fur clips I got in Omaha when I was there for Silver Bella. I cleaned out their stash and have used several in other pieces. I have a couple more that didn't make the cut for pictures apparently.
Lots of sparkly goodness. Also, little desk space to make more pretties so cleaning this up will be added to the weekend to do list. I was also obsessed with the bone pieces and Rolland scooped them all up for me. He also found them in the case. Seriously, give that man a list of "be on the look out for" items and he can find anything!
Metal flowers I've been collecting since Deryn showed us how they could be awesome which was timely since I think something similar will be great for a design I'm working on for a friend.
These are fur clips I got in Omaha when I was there for Silver Bella. I cleaned out their stash and have used several in other pieces. I have a couple more that didn't make the cut for pictures apparently.
Lots of sparkly goodness. Also, little desk space to make more pretties so cleaning this up will be added to the weekend to do list. I was also obsessed with the bone pieces and Rolland scooped them all up for me. He also found them in the case. Seriously, give that man a list of "be on the look out for" items and he can find anything!
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