Past summers have most likely been fairly hellacious for my husband as I spend mid-May through October bitching about how hot it is here. I have vowed this summer will be different and I will embrace all things that are good about summer. So far that has included:
1. Kaftans: My favorite has been from World Market
2. Reading, reading and more reading. So far I've finished the Twilight Series, the latest Sookie Stackhouse, read this fantastic book called Spellcast that I can't recommend enough, and am working my way through the books stacked on the nightstand.
3. Have not complained about the heat once. Seriously, this is miraculous.
4. Watching all the fantastic summer programming and looking forward to others starting: White Collar, Burn Notice, Eureka, Haven and all things Real Housewife on Bravo.
5. Cooking: I'm trying to avoid the oven which is tricky since I want to work my way through some of my baking books but with the heat (of which I'm just mentioning but I'm not complaining about) it's much better to not turn on the oven and just cook it all outside. The husband has cooked some tasty goodness on the grill.
6. Travel: So far this has been a bit of a summer wish list but we've got a trip to Austin next week planned and there are several minor road trips I've got my eye on so again with the wish list. And if I eek summer into September I have a trip to NYC planned with a friend and I can't wait!
Ok, I'm packing it in at the top 6 since I've been working on this post for a couple of weeks and it's sad how little progress I've made. More summer to-do items include:
more studio time, playing with the digital camera and my light box to figure it all out, have a garage sale, clean out my studio, update studio space in the garage and work on some home improvement projects. Good thing summer is a fairly decent amount of time in Texas!
What are your summer plans?