As I am a delicate flower and wilt in the sun I've decided to take this time to snuggle in the couch with tea and a favorite baked good with a stack of books that will get me through these next few scorching months. Over dramatic? Not a bit, I live in Texas... y'all (nope, still doesn't fit but I'll keep working on it).
I try to be fairly eclectic in my reading material but I've mostly been reading the urban fantasy or paranormal mysteries. In addition, I'm working in some awesome foodie favorites but those take a lot longer.
I have been a fan of
Charlaine Harris since the beginning and the Southern Vampire series (aka True Blood books) are the perfect summer reading. I think I read this one last Saturday and am super excited True Blood starts again tomorrow. Go team Eric!
This series by Ilona Andrews is greatness. It's really original in it's approach and I love a chick who can kick ass with the best of them.

I've had this one on the shelf for a long time but just picked up recently. It's written by a great blogger
Molly Wizenberg and in the fashion of blog posts. I haven't tried any of the recipes, which were fairly secondary for me in terms of priority, but the reviews have been mixed. The stories are yummy enough to stand up on their own. No, I really couldn't help it.

Juliet Blackwell has done a great job with a fun magical
mystery series set in San Francisco. SF is on my list of places to visit, hopefully this year, so I love the background it provides. There's also lots of talk of vintage clothing which is fun in the book but in life I mostly want it new and sparkly.

I've also tackled the latest in the
Dresden Files, loved
the series and Syfy can suck it for dropping it for super gigantic killer centipede story lines, not that I'm bitter.
Also finished Victoria Laurie's latest in the
Ghost Hunter series. Fellow Texan who is much more productive with her summer hours. I love her mysteries with Abby Cooper too.
Whew, clearly my day job is impacting how much more reading and baking I could be getting done! I'm simply going to be grateful for all the extra daylight to read by.
Note: links and picture size are not a sign of favoritism but more of laziness in fixing them.