This is the living room before

And this is the living room after

Up close shot of the mantle with the print we got on our last trip to Vegas. It reminds me of my sister since she loves all things Wizard of Oz and spending summers in Kansas on the prairie. One of my all time favorite pieces. Also, my collection of mercury glass. It looks aged and still sparkles so gotta love it.

This is a desk my Dad made that used to be stained but I dressed it up with some black spray paint (Rolland's concerned I'm going to start spray painting everything. He could be right.)that I sanded down to hint at the previous staining and lovely drawer pulls from

My new sitting area in the living room with the couch from upstairs brought downstairs to make use of the space and to create a functional sitting area. A co-worker who was moving gave me the mirror which I love. I mixed a few golds and a hint of purple to make it brighter. The doll head piece on the left was a gift from the hubby a couple of years ago and now she's somewhere safe (previously in the entry where she got bumped frequently).

These chairs were where the pic above is now. I think they make a cozy little area over by the fireplace. Rolland's old teak nightstand is perfect candle/match holder now.

Overall it has a much more "grown up" feel to it. Rolland also thinks it's less girly than some of the rest of the house and I'm just happy to have a place to put everything finally. Amazingly, this took only 4 days to complete (2 weekends) so we're getting this decoration thing down.
Happy Monday!