October is my favorite month. By October fall is settled in and the heat of summer is entirely replaced by the crisp edge that hints of winter. Windows are open at night, extra blankets are added to the bed and the sky seems to have a slightly deeper tint on the perfect lovely blue that spring always promises but fall delivers. The moon is huge and starts to peek through the dormer over my front door and I know I can safely pull out the heavy sweaters and corduroy pants.
This October, I have planned to take advantage of every minute of fall goodness:
1. Round Top show this weekend - incredible antiques near Austin
2. Urban Bazaar
3. Visit from my family to plan next fall's New England road trip - I need to start reading up. 3 guide books have been purchased so far! I love to plan a trip. We're also going to check out Jimmy's Food Store and the McKinney Square (this is easy since it's about a mile away!).
4. Visiting Maija in Phoenix and taking a couple of these classes
5. First Monday with Jen and Bo - we are ladies who love the vintage, furniture and roasted corn!
6. Halloween candy shopping - this will require a couple of rounds since I like to get the good stuff then panic I don't have enough
7. I think we're going to visit the State Fair since we hate to miss out on the fried butter. Actually, I think I can but it's nice to know it's an option.
8. My friend Kate and I are practicing our cooking skills and thinking about pastry. The class we were signed up for tomorrow has canceled so I think we're going to take matters into our own hands.
9. I have to finish the dining room paint project. Mostly before the family arrives so I can get the ladders out of the dining room!
10. I'm getting ambitious and planning to paint the bedroom. I'm not sure where this fits into the above!
See, fall is awesome since you can do all of the above without worrying about melting into an unattractive pile of goo!
What do you have planned for October?