This is my 291st blog post. I think something fantastic should be done to celebrate 300. I've been lucky enough to get some gorgeous goodies from giveaways so I think it's only fair to pay it back so for 300, I'll be giving away... well, something. I must ponder.
I don't have anything new and fantastic to share except that I'm feeling a little better but super tired from working today. I'm getting ready to head for bed. Yes, I know it's 7:15 but when you're used to a 5 hour nap in the middle of the day it may as well be midnight! I'm just sayin'.
So, about this pic (taken in Colorado). Everyone typically shares a few tidbits about themselves which most of the world was unaware. I feel like I've been remiss in my duty here (except to share my love of oddball books and movies, speaking of which add Top Gear to your TIVO - it's a British car show that's awesome!) so, here's a little weirdness about me. This is my baby bear that's about 8 inches long and tops in at 5 1/2 oz. When you're at that weight, it's important to throw in the 1/2. I got him when we first moved to Texas 13 years ago when the husband worked nights to keep me company. Husband no longer works nights but the bear stayed and travels with me everywhere. The only exception was Art Nest when he thought there was too great a risk of strangers picking him up. Yes, I anthropomorphize the hell out of him! Anyway, the baby bear has been everywhere and I've got pics of him in most places. About 5 years ago he got a friend, a baby lion (we don't talk about his weight) and the lion has now joined bear in our travels. They've been to Toronto, Paris, London, L.A., across the border to Mexico, Portland, New Orleans, Florida, etc. Las Vegas is there favorite and we've got tons of pics of them at Caesar's Palace. They really are too cute and have allowed themselves to be carried around the world in a large leather Coach satchel. Life is hard when you're brown. And stuffed. And weigh 5 1/2 ounces.
Anyway, that's it, that's what I've got for #291. I promise to do better in the future. :)
p.s. Bo, Top Gear has convinced me that this might be better than a Vespa.