It's been a rough week last week so I haven't even turned the computer on when I've been home. My family was here last weekend and we had an awesome visit! My brother, his wife Sandi and her sister Brooke came down for a Spring Break visit. We loved showing them some of our favorite Dallas places including Chuy's, Half-Price on NW Hwy and introducing my brother to the tastiness that is gelato! I hope everyone had as good a time as I did.
The pics are my brother and I working on a mirror I made for them to hang over their mantle. The mirror is one I picked up at IKEA for $8.00 and then we made polymer clay tiles for it. Everyone got involved by conditioning the clay and then Scot and Sandi actually made some of the tiles. This is it in situ. :) I've got more pics for the art lovers showing it up close. I think it looks great over their fireplace and envy the Buddha statues! I love these projects since they can be really personalized and meaningful.
I had to go back to the ENT last week, adding to the suckiness, for the follow-up to my last visit which involved another MRI, with contrast this time, then I had to get my blood drawn for my regular physical - all on Friday! Needless to say, I was wiped out had have spent the weekend catching up on rest. I highly recommend The Girls Next Door for dozing. I love the show but find it strangely relaxing and calming. My husband does not share this opinion but since it's my blog I get to be in charge! Seriously, that contrast stuff - no matter what they say - can take a toll on you. Not to turn this into a medical post or anything, just an update on progress. At least I got to go to the fancy new diagnostic center which had groovy music and pretty comfy pillow for the head and knees. Just in case your in need of such things - I'm sincerely hoping everyone does not.
This week, I promise fun art projects and silly photos!
Update: Oh yeah, last night we saw "21" and I highly recommend it for all Vegas fans, or just about anyone else!