The lovely and talented
Cindy Dean mentioned me as a blog that inspires her, and let me tell you how shocked I was to provide inspiration, but I'm also all atwitter. :) So, now I get to list those blogs that inspire me (she already mentioned
Kelly Snelling or she would be on my list in a heartbeat!), anyway, here's my list:
Jane Wynn: She has such an incredible vision for her art that's truly inspiring.
Sally Jean: She has such a sense of whimsy and makes me feel ok about my love of pink!
Debbie Overton: She has to be one of the most generous people on the planet!
Bo: My pal Bo shares a love of food, and a relatively similar worldview, plus his photos are unbelievable and his eye for the perfect picture is enviable.
Kris Carr: She is truly an inspiration!
Maija Lepore: My soul sister in the love of all things girly! She's such a generous artist who never holds back on her sources, inspiration or good ideas!
Ree aka Pioneer Woman: Her perspective on the world is definitely unique and her photos are breathtaking!
Lelainia Lloyd: Another generous soul who truly loves to bring everyone together and share their creative spirit!
Clotilde Dusoulier aka Chocolate & Zucchini: In my house, there is no art without a little chocolate!
Anahata Katkin: Her work is gorgeous!
That's it, my list of inspiration for this morning. Now I have to go before Rolland explodes from waiting!