It has been unbelievably hectic and crazy this last few weeks but the fast forward is this...
The Order of Phoenix was great, head out and see it now that the crowds have died down. My friend, Jen, and I saw it last Thursday after a great pasta dinner, the perfect follow up to a rough week.
Transformers, also worth seeing as was
Live Free Die Hard (husband's pick) if only for the
mac guy.
We celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary on the 30th of June and it was great, we got a new flat screen TV for the bedroom. This has prompted a few new furniture purchases to support said TV - we're out of control. But, the hubby's b-day is coming up and to celebrate, we're heading to Vegas. He likes to gamble and I can't wait to relax, pack up some books and settle in to not work and relax. I'm ready for the shopping, resting and the nothing happening that will be going on.
On the art front, we're having an art show at work and I'm submitting two pieces. One a mixed media entry and the other a jewelry entry. This is the mixed media entry. I mixed the traditional Laurie Mika style clay tiles and larger soldered "tiles". Hopefully I won't have to hide out in shame...