The kitchen is finally back together after the mini-remodel. This was part of the reason for long absence with no posts. That, and the 12-14 hour days at work. I'm hoping to slow down on those too. The pics show the new counter tops we had installed which are Corian (flint to be precise) to replace the old white Formica which was stained and coved in the corners which meant it was ripping after 7 years so it was time to go. We put in a slate tile backsplash ourselves and it wasn't too bad. We've gotten to be pros at tile now and the new faucet and garbage disposal (not pictured) were installed by hubby alone and he did a terrific job. These seem like straight forward installations but not so much.
Anyway, the new stove is a dream to cook on and to celebrate I got this book which is wonderful! It's girly, a cookbook and includes the Texas Hill Country which I love so it's a must have... it's actually on my nightstand now as bed time reading. Odd I know for most people, but then again I'm a Food TV addict so there you go.
On the art front my friend Lara and I are going to the Art Guild on Tuesday night for a reception and min-class on book binding. The class should be great, I've been really interested in classes at the Guild for a while but just haven't done the research so this should be a great chance to find out more so I'm really excited. I'll keep you posted [bad pun intended... :)].