I've been sick with a sinus infection all week and had to pull some long days at work so this has not been the best week. I'm happy to say that I'm feeling better and really happy that it's Thursday night! My friend
Bo ventured into downtown to join me for lunch today so that definitely helped to perk up an an otherwise icky work day.
I finished reading
this book on the train today so if you like urban fantasy I really recommend it. The next book in the series is on it's way now. I'm taking a break from my normal cozy mysteries and travel books although the
Beatrix Potter series by Susasn Wittig Albert are great and I just finished the third book. Her
China Bayles series is set in the Texas Hill Country and the characters are wonderful and amazing that you get drawn in and imagine that Pecan Springs could be a real place you'd love to pack up and move to (unless you really know what the temperature would be in the summer!).
We need to get some un-fun stuff done around the house this weekend like dusting, cleaning the bathrooms, etc but we plan to work in a few fun things - maybe a movie, catch up on some of the movies we need to watch here and definitely some art on the list.
I promise more exciting posts in the future when I've rested up and got some art done.