This is the fabulous candy jar I got from the candy jar swap. It was a great idea posted on one of my favorite artist blogs and several of us signed up to swap treats and pretty treat jars for our studios. I love mine and my hubby has already broken into the treats while I wasn't looking! I guess that's fair for stinking us out of the house with soldering all morning... it was pretty bad since I had some left over solder dregs on the iron post-cleaning.
Along the soldering dreg lines - I've posted pictures of Abby (& her sister Maya) before but Abby's usually my little shadow falling me around - here she is as I post. She's always with me in the studio room. Today however, the soldering stink was particularly bad and Abby fled in self-preservation. About 30 seconds later my husband appears in the doorway, with Abby behind him, and totally deadpans "Have you heard about how the mines used to have canaries that alerted them to problems..." looks at Abby and back to me and follows up with "your canary made a break for it." I'm still laughing about it, I'll admit you may have had to be here.